This site provides information about Distance LearningOnline CoursesOnline UniversitiesDistance Learning Courses
Executive MBA (EMBA) programs are geared toward enhancing the careers of working executives, many of whom are company sponsored. These programs are for professionals who are already specialists in a field or industry and need to hone their general management skills to continue up the corporate ladder. This site provides best online MBA courses offered.
It also provides information about Distance Education Council which was constituted under the Indira Gandhi National Open University Act (1985). See the List of programmes approved by Distance Education Council The most popular distance learning programmes are usually the normal graduation degree (BA, BSc, BCom and BBA), MCA, MBA, B Ed and post graduation in psychology.
It also provides information about 14 Open Universities in India at present- 1 national and 13 state open universities. The DEC has been extending financial support to the Distance Education institutions in the country for a host of activities such as improving the infrastructure, promoting academic quality staff development and training etc.
However, the dominant feeling among SOUs is that the DEC must be made an autonomous body without being tied to the apron strings of IGNOU. In this way there will be no role conflict and at the same time, a more balanced development of the Open Distance Learning system in the country can be assured.