I had the most horrible experience with Indiafilings that I can expect from any private company in India. I paid 8K for registration of my LLP. Because of their lousiness and negligence, it took more than two months to register. Moreover, the customer is supposed to do everything like signature from CA, courier the documents to wherever needed, buy stamp papers etc on their own. They will just instruct you. You need to do continuous follow ups with them if you want to get your task done and many times they may chose not to attend your call or reply to your mail. e.g, in my case I sent them the deed to be registered but they submitted the deed online to ROC after a week of receiving that too after many follow ups. They send you your kit at the end through speed post and if it doesnt reaches you then you will be asked to arrange a pickup on your own. I had to write 42 mails to them just to get my job done.