Mail service has been a important part being played in the gaps of every human.Be it the mail by post card or by email, these thing have really shortened the gap between every human and made this world a very small place to live in.
People from far away places are able to send mails to the friends and relatives living miles away and thanks to this technology which has made this possible.
First it was pigeons, then the inland letters and now its email, the buzz words used by almost every human to when communication matters if put in front.
E-mail service has helped many in many purpose and has enhanced the time within which people can communicate, its fast and mostly every where its free.
Indiainfo mail service is the service which I have decided to target on my mission this month to find the best free email service provider.
Indiainfo so what does it mean??Well according to me its sound like a portal which shall provide the user with information with regards to India, and this portal surely is acting towards it.
When they started their email service they had ads in paper displaying many features of their service and telling people about their service.
Well in those days I was happy with my yahoo account and found no reason to change, but as they say life has to move on and on, and so I decided to make a real change and took my way out from Yahoo! to to check their service.(Yahoo! was really slow and had me sending many junk mails) email service, come on in, lets check it out...
Well according to me Indiainfos email index page is the fastest one in its load time check.Yes its loads much faster than rediff and its login form is every easy to fill in.
Their email index tell you about their service features, sign up link and login form which makes it a pretty decent index, at least for a mail service.
But IE always has javascript error symbol in the status bar when their index pages load up, but hey look at the positive point it does not make any problem in your log in process.
WHATS IN NAME? - Shakespeare
My name is Sunil.Whats yours??Well I am asking a question and do reply.By this sentence I am talking about your chances of availability of user name as desired by you.I think every one of you should be able to get your desired user ID as I dont think that they have many users signed up with them, they provide good features but not too many know about this.
I need some space to expand.
Well need some space well you hit the right number as provides you with 10 MB of email space to store all those emails you always wanted but could not keep due to small stomach of your current email service provider.10MB is a good space and meets the requirement of almost every user of the net.
ESMEIN HAI KUCH EXTRA(Has something extra in it)
Need more...Well everyone seems to be looking for something more in their service provider so is the world for you guys.
Like epatra it provides you with multi-language support, Auto reply, POP3 SUPPORT and many more...
POP3 facility is provided by only a few Indian sites and I think indiainfo have rightly moved their hands forward to provided with pop3 support.
For those who need info their pop3 address is sounds like a cool email service provider doesnt it?
HELP ME!I have started liking it.
Well you will surely like their service and you need more help regarding their service and how to understand them better then checkout their help section or mail them at have a good help section and I think it should help everyone of you.
Well you are looking at Yahoo!.No, indiainfo is not exactly designed as Yahoo! but it is designed in Frames.I dont understand as to why in this world do these guys use frames.They have become old.
They have a good interface and good options too.
You can empty your trash can from their index, change password and get access to their other options too.
Compose section is really good and their option section is also great.
I am tired, lets conclude this session
--------------------------------------------------- mail service they are the best man.I would really put my words like that, but it surely should improve, come up with more options and enhance.
India times email service is also giving it a tough competition and their service is also too good or let me say another best.
They are surely worth a check out and a stay for a long time.