I have booked subscription form India Mags for 3 magazines India Today, Readers Digest, Griha-shobha. They are professional in just one thing that is getting the money from the customers. The only so called value add you would get from this website is that they would give you subscription number from these magazines. They wont take any ownership that magazines reach you on time. Forget about timely delivery I am not getting one of the magazines India today at all for last 3 months.
I am tired to writing emails to publisher and India mags but there is no resolution of issue. Other 2 magazines Readers Digest and Grihashobha delivery is erratic and I normally receive the subscription after at least 15-20 days of the periodic issue. the cost of magazines after 15-20 days is actually zero and freely available second hand at price of Raddi.
I would seriously warn people to use India Mags unless they have extra money, ready for for irregular delivery and have enough time on weekends to keep wiring and calling India Mags and Magazine. Highly not recommended. They are the biggest online frauds.