Indiamart is very very poor in providing services. I had a very bad experience dealing with these people & would recommend others to stay away from them to avoid problems.
As per my experience with them, firstly their marketing personnel convinced me that the site belongs to me & can update the products I deal in as per my choice. I connected them & took their services. Then comes a blunder. They took almost 1&half months to start the services & designed the site in a very kiddish manner. The people who designed have no idea about the products & had written all nonsense in the site. Then I updated my site in a proper way. So they now interferred & deleted many of the correct information I provided in the site. As I was not happy by their services, I left their services. Now they havent refunded the money from more than 1&half months after commiting the amount will be refunded in a week.
When you call them, they will not receive the calls. Simply "Poor than the Poorest" is I should say.
Also there are may enquiries in the Buy Leads which are fake. Most of the times either the buy lead is old one & these Indiamart people reload them again just to show the Buy Leads & attract. CHEATS.!
I would recommend all dear users to stay away from Indiamart.