Indiamart which was a rage in last five years is fast loosing consumer base among its strongholds.It is learnt customers who were enthralled by very idea of toplisting on search engines (Indiamart USP) are no more enchanted by these catchy slogans, leading to fast erosion of customer base.With the advent of cheap and viable solutions from and related sites, people are no more likely to give hefty amount for indiamart adventure.There has been allegations of the portal passing on the queries to different users (as per Alexa review) , though the buyer never intended to correspond with them.People often tell they trusted Indiamart because of the glossy look of website and promises made by executives but found themselves cheated at the end of the day.Many of its customer alleged that same person never shows you face again and people are very good at passing bucks. The company has very high employment turnover and heads keep on changing.However there are others too who says spending INR 10-12000 a year does not matter if you achieve some noticeability on net. A manufacturer who was a page client said ----One must not go beyond a single page on indiamart.They lure you with many higher products which fails to deliver and you keep on paying them dreaming good result in future.