Its a bad website.not for gathering information but for posting. yes 100% racist people ...dont trust them.they are just here to make money in Indians name...i agree with her completely.i have seen so many posts where members got banned for no particular reason.
They have a high handed attitude towards Indians as if we are still their slaves!! what radha said I also experienced the same radha wrote in her review "indiamike is racist website.
it will allow anything said by foreigners for india but wont let an indian say what he and my friends wanted to discuss topics relating to how women should wear in order to be comfortable while travelling and not attract too much attention.
hey banned us for 2 weeks saying that our topics were racist, insulting and sexist.
on the contrary , they allowed any discussions relating to male attraction based on white colour and indian male mentality and even females asking to dye their hair from blonde and redhead to black "coz they felt it would attract too much attention and make life miserable for them".
and they didnt make our banning public..the administrators just send us a private message giving this reason for banning.if they had courage, they should have posted below our post what their objections were and that would be respectful for both me and my friends and that would let all members see what our mistake was."
i seriously not recommend the website for all you guys out there!