Advertising is all about occupying the mind space of prospective customers. And everyone is in a mad rush to impress. The cricket is thriving in this country because of a humongous amount of advertising revenue that the moneybags multinationals are willing to shell out. Everyone has something or the other to sell. To a smart customer.
Earlier, the Indian customers didnt have much choice. But, thanks to Manmohan Singh, now they do. An Indian Airlines wouldnt have lost its customers a decade ago, but today in an era when a Delhi-Mumbai air ticket is up-for-grabs for a paltry Rs. 500*/ they know that they have to pull up their socks.
The Add that we are talking about is a small beginning. And I must say, its a step in the right direction. The reason why this particular Add is being written about is simple. But before going into that let me give you a small peek into what the Add looks like.....A middle aged man is sitting next to a smart girl (Around 9 or 10) in a comfy looking Plane.....
The poor dude pretends as if he is travelling by air for the first time. The little angel helps him out with his seat belt, the seat button that makes him recline in leisure and also instructs him how to deal with his side table. The final shot shows the little angel snuggling like a doll in the arms of the gentleman while an Airhostes gives the cap-n-clothes to the man who happens to be the Captain of the plane. She asks him if he needed anything else. He replies: A Blanket. The warm smile on his face effervescently implies that it was meant for the young kid.
Advertising is a tough job. It is surely not easy to communicate the usefulness of a product in 60/ 30/ 10 seconds. Then, you also have to make it look so effective that people do not opt for the competitor. The time is up for Adds which are loud and portray a stupid kinda over confidence. The basic ingredient for a successful Add, the one that works magic for the owners, is Personalisation. An Add must strike a chord, must put You as a prospective customer in a comfort zone as if it can happen to (with) you as well.
The Indian Airlines Add is high on Personalisation. It conveys the warm service that you may get when you fly with Indian Airlines. The little kid travelling alone conveys that even small children can manage on their own, of course with a little bit of help-n-warmth from the sensitive-n-able staff. The catchline/ punchline/ baseline of this Add is very effective as well - Let Your heart fly. Sensitive, caring and warm.
Now, this Add is a winner. IA has announced its New Rate Plans as well. But the battle in the sky has just begun with Air Deccan starting its Delhi-Mumbai service from 26th August, Kingfisher launching a new domestic airline and Sahara airlines slashing their apex fare considerably. Very soon you shall find many more hearts flying in the air. So get ready to touch the skies.......Regularly. With a lighter pocket.
Indian Airlines TV Advertisement, Takes my heart away.