Hi, ....As I said in my review of the Pakistan cricket team, ..
that I find Pakistan the is also because of their Team spirit
they show on the pitch, , , , , ,
But I think and I am sure that The indian Team is capable of
being the world´s best team, ..i mean they have the world´s
best batsmen and their fielding is not bad either, ....
okay maybe their Balling lacks at stages especially the fast ball section, ...but
it is still good, ..but I have the feeling that what they really lack
is a good team spirit, ..and also I think the politicians in India
should not do things like not letting india play vs Pakistan, , ..
I mean this is not good For India especially cause
this is not seen with a smile by other teams and Cricket fans...
ok though I am pakistani, ..I wish india all the best, ..and
i hope they come back to their old performances, ..and at least pls beat England!!
okay thats all I have to say, ..Allah-Hafiz!!