Hey, Cricket Fans, this is for fun, no heart feelings
What cricketers names stand for:-
Kambli - Killed All Mediocre Bowling Left Immediately
Kapil - Killed Aspiring Pacemen In Land
Prasad - Promised Revenge Against Sohail And Delivered
More - Mouthing Obscene Rubbish Everywhere
Gavaskar - Grafting Away Valiantly, Always Successfully
Killed Any Result
Azhar - At Zenith Had Ambrose Reeling
Azharuddin-Almost Zaheer-like His Artistry, Rivetting
Umpteen Devoted Doting Indian Nationals
Vishy - Vodka Is Sweet, He Yells
Tendulkar -Tiny, Exciting, Neverending Dynamo Undyingly
Labours Keeps A Record
Amarnath - After Many A Reincarnation, Now Acknowledged Top
Prasanna - Prince Radiant Among Spinners, Astutely Nailed
Nimble Attackers
Bedi - Beautifully Executed Deliveries Indefinitely
Chandra - Cleverly Hides Another Nagging Delivery Really
Shastri - Shall His Achievements Still Truly Remain
Srinath - Simply Ravishing Incutters, Not A Ten-wicket Haul
Kumble - Killer Universal, Makes Batsmen Leave Embarassed
Sidhu - Shall I Drop Him Unfairly?
Mongia - Many Of Nayans Gatherings Instigate Admiration
Raman - Remember, All Madrasis Are Nervous
Amol - Another Mumbai-ite Overly Lauded?
Muzumdar - Mediocre Underachiever Zealously Undertakes Many
Drives And Run-outs
and finally
What is the main function of the Indian coach?
To transport the team from the hotel to the ground.