I am really pleased with the decision of the BCCI by bringing back Ganguly as the captain. At the present moment Indian Team lacks motivation or we can say that unity. The Sri Lankan tour showed the imbalance in the team. So I feel that Ganguly has now got a chance to unite the team once again as he did earlier. And at present, as far as captaincy is concerned there is no replacement for Ganguly.
There have been two kinds of captains in Cricket. One who plays cricket using mind and the other who plays using heart. And as far as indian subcontinent is concerned, we need a captain who plays with heart. And ganguly completely fits into this position. We have players coming from different backgrounds and thus we require a captain who can unite all the players.
Otherwise Indian players do not lack as far as talent is concerned. Instead they require a solid team leader. See Indian Team is not performing well from the past one year and the reason is that the captain was struggling and thus team confidence was shattered. In the case of Dravid, he performs well but is unable to unite the team. So the best thing is that if Ganguly tries to perform very well, the team will automatically perform because he has the ability to lead and to unite the team.
Sp I feel it is the right decision to make ganguly, the captain. Now it is all up to him that how he performs. If he looses this chance then I think he will loose everything. So lets see what happens. Ganguly is the best and let us pray that he proves this.