I am writing a review for Reality shows in general.
American / Indian Idol is no different.
Whether its Donald Trump yelling " Youre Fired " in the Apperentice or its making fun of an ameture singer in Indian Idol . whether its a Chef yelling " Get Out of here " for making a mistake in the Hells Kitchen or its Randy Jackson commenting " Its Horrible . you call that singing " to a an ameture singer or even Jack Black .
. we have 2 things common in all that . one its all building negativity in a person by trying to belittle a participant and two those are all reality shows.
What happened to good old encouragement. What happened to caring what the other person might feel after the remark . How many of us take a judge for no less than a mentor if we ever go to a compitition of any sort. The West did it in American idol and India followed suit.
I do not know how many of you watched the song competition called SA RE GA MA . it was a competition . the judges were really talented classical singers and intrument players mostly.
How many times did we see them behave in that junk of a manner that could literally bring down a losing participant to his / her tears, totally shattering the morales and in the process making big bucks for the channel as some intellectually bankrupt people like to see other people get insulted ? NEVER! But that never stopped the show to get popular .
I am not saying all of them are of that nature. Not all Reality Shows are bad. Some like the amaising race, survivor etc were entertainging as well.
But my angst is not about the shows . the concepts are very imaginative but the judgement scheme is similar in all . its like one show came up with the method of making big bucks with the judgement pattern and all shows which came up after that just blankly followed the insult way . . the more the insult . the more the money.
Neither do I not watch nor do I recommend these shows because of the judgement method . Though the performance of the participants must be extremely entertaining, the judges remarks are really derogative.