I am really really really surprised and pained to see that there are so many idiots in my country.
They waste a pretty penny giving votes to people whom they do not know , will never know and probably is best do not know.
How on heavens name can some asses tolerate the silly small talk and mediocre talents of a bunch of idiots judges and compere included.
I personally feel like slapping some of the judges for their phoney statements and I have absolutely vowed not to watch any of the films or listen to any of the songs or any other work composed by the very very stupid judges.
Sub bik chuke hain.
Mobile companies are earning crores and crores by looting yes looting gullible idiots from this most idiotic country!
My request to all people with normal IQ is just boycott this program and all similar voting programs like nach baliye , KBC and others.
Please please do not participate in this kind of activity.
Government should ban all sms voting altogether or should impose very heavy fee on all operators who earn from sms voting