The Indianized version of American Idol, and the British Pop Idol, has been as popular in India, as their American and British counterparts have been, in the respective geographies.
The shows a good talent hunt, as far as the format goes. But, when it comes to the judges, their views are seemingly biased, when they advise the public to vote sanely, or to the participants to mend their ways. More, it is annoying when some specific personality/ personalities, arrogantly forget the language for assigning respect to the person theyre confronting to, no matter whatever they deserve. There is an air of arrogance, in the way the judges pass their judgments on, and advise the contestants.
The contestants are all doing well, and a few people have made a remarkable progress. Some of them give hope to the disfavoured, of rising from rags, to the riches. The reinforcement of the hope, that talent is never wasted, seems to be realised with this show. However, some unnecessary glamour makes it redundant - I am sure, not many people would agree with me here.
The voting process should have been a little different, making it mandatory, that only one vote can be submitted with one cellular number. This could have made the competition a little more interesting. For sure, Indian Idols going to aid Sony Television build up their fortunes!