It reminds of the a dialogue Green Goblin said to the spiderman , I do not remember the exact text but the import of it was You and I can join forces we can make a lot of money out of the stupid people
That is what the Indian Idol chaps might have thought to themselves. I am absolutely astounded at the kind of stupidity I have around me. I am ashamed. Some stupid people are ready to watch amateurs performing on TV of which they have no kith or kin and have no stakes at all. I fail to understand how anyone can be interested in such a thing.
It is a national wastage of time and money. I am reminded of Dostoevesky who said I know how to fool but do not have the heart to fool, meaning to say that even if I had all the money to start something stupid like this I would never have started it having felt so guilty.
I absolutely exhort all mouthshut members who I believe are really discerning people to absolutely refrain from seeing this and all other dumb programs on Cable TV. This is absolutely a waste of time. Are we turning into a generation of mediocres.
Oh God help us all!!!