Im so so sooooo sad. I feel like crying, guys. It can only happen in a country like ours that more importance was given to looks and personality than the singing ability. Thus, the more good looking ABHIJIT wins the the Indian Idol and the one who had a better singing ability ie AMIT SANA loses! Grrr...Life Aint Fair Is It!
By the way the public must be really happy! Im sure. But since I wanted the better singer to win, I refuse to accept ABHIJIT as my Indian Idol! My Indian Idol will always be Amit Sana.
And also I feel, these shows are not v honest. They can b fixed too! We are told that candidates won by audience polling! But who actually goes there to chk the audience votes? They can show us any votes they like.
Thus, I feel shows like Sare Ga Ma are better than Indian Idol!
Anyways, just like KBC this show has created history too! Cheers to that. Congrats everyone who was supporting Abhijit. And for all those who were supporting Amit lets get together and accept him as our unofficial Indian Idol!