Ive tried and tried and tried.a mail from my son studying at Panchgani Boarding School mails me a letter and it reaches on the 8th day. Why? No body is bothered to answer.
I send a letter to Panchgani and it reaches on 6th day.
can anybody answer why it takes so many days to crawl and reach to their destination?
are we not paying for it? is it Gratis!
No.they are helping Courier companies gain the business of speed post. Its a concentrated effort to promote private courier companies by Indian Posts. Deliberately they deliver the mail late.thus ensuring that we the General Public should not use Indian Post, but use the services of Private Courier Companies.How do you like it Janta?
Great way of hoodwinking the exchequer, in the guile of delayed services.so we are not suspicous that they are hand in glove with the Courier companies.
Wah Ustad!
Now its time for the Nation to wake up and start asking questions.or this Raj will swindle the Janta and pocket twice the National Budget among themselves and leave us to gasp at the Taxation and Huge Food Inflation.
Someone please stand up and ask this question.
We the Poor Janta of this country is being used, abused and trampled upon by those few whom we choose to rule us, our lives and our future.Simple postal service cannot be availed in Mera Bharat.shame on you guys! wonder what they must be doing in the Villages, if they have this unpatriotic attitude towards us Urbanites.