I have made several trips by Rajdhani and Duronto Express trains from Hyderabad to Bangalore and Delhi. Let me tell you that all my experiences have been awful.
Once when I was travelling to Blore, the train was expected to reach by 6 a.m. but it reached 4 hours late. As per rules we were to be served breakfast and the catering staff kept telling us that the breakfast was getting ready but finally just before reaching the station we were informed that no breakfast would be served. Secondly, whenever I have traveled by Duronto train, I have never been served cold drinking water or cold frooti. It is always warm and undrinkable.
The waiters have the audacity to suggest keeping the drink for a while in AC to let it cool. Once the poories served for lunch were just rotten. Another time we were served only 3 non-vegetarian plates against 4 and the fourth one was veg. Whenever I ask for complaint book, the waiters start pleading and promise to exchange the warm bottle or say that they would provide extra rice against poories and disappear for some time.
The greatest problem is that no other passenger is willing to complain(seems they all travel on free ticket of Govt or company). So the best thing for me is to stop travelling by these trains and travel with my home made food in some other train.