I travelled via Sabari Express (train number 7230) from Hyderabad to Palghat, Kerala.
I decided to travel by 2nd AC, since it should have been more comfortable. My seat was 45 and wifes was 46. It was the compartment closest to the toilet. What a mistake that was! By the evening, cockroaches were starting to appear around our compartment and on the curtains. I went to the toilet and found the roaches on the walls, sink etc. We told the attendant about the problem, who said that he will look into it. On the wall outside the toilet, there was a sign which stated pest control in use. The train ride was long (about 25 hours). I couldnt sleep comfortably as one eye was kept open for any cockroach sightings! It was a sleepless night until we reached Palghat.
I booked by train again for the return journey (only because no flights were available on the day which we wanted). This time we had our seating towards the middle of the train and away from the toilet. This was a dramatic difference as there were no cockroaches to be found! Also, the toilets themselves had far fewer roaches crawling on the walls. Maybe they took action and did something about the problem. I slept comfortably on the upper bunk. Next thing I know, there is a chorus of snores all around me. (my wife said I was snoring as well) I went to the toilet and found the attendant also asleep on his bed with the sheeting covering him.
The food on the railways was not that great. We brought supper from home, but had to order breakfast. I had idli and vada. Not the type of food that mama cooks at home! There is always kowfee and chai available. Not too bad, but I found it be on the sweeter side.
Overall, the Sabari train ride is not for someone who likes things perfectly clean and insect free.