Hi All
In case you are looking to check the PNR Status, Train Status and Ticket Availability in any train using SMS service, this might be helpful:
>> Checking your PNR status
sms PNR to 5676747
eg. PNR 1234567891
You can also check your PNR status by simply sending the PNR number to 5676747
e.g 12345678
>> Checking for Trains running between two stations sms TL to 5676747
eg. TL Delhi Mumbai
You can also check trains list by sending the station name or station code.
sms TL to 5676747
Name of the city must be a single word without spaces:
e.g Ambala Cantt should be written as AmbalaCantt
>> Checking for Ticket Availablity sms TA to 5676747
eg. TA 2432 delhi mumbai 17Aug
Alternatively you can call to ‘139 from your BSNL landlines, MTNL landlines, Dolphin, Garuda, Idea, Spice and Vodaphone telecom operators.
And to check online go to https://trainenquiry.com