I would like to record my appreciation to the sincere TTE of Jana Shatabdi train (Hubli to Blore) travelling on 28th Jan07 in AC chair car coach -C1. The TTE showed his sincerity to his work and real guts in showing the exit to a high profile arrogant person accompained by 2 cops and usual followers.
The high profile person was travelling in a pre-dated ticket, got into a wrong compartment and demanded the seats of a valid ticket holder sitting in his assigned seat in a not so elegant behaviour expected out of such a high profile personaility. A clear indication of disregard and disrespectful behaviour towards the common people.
I was really surprised at the TTE who allocated the vacant seats to the valid waitlisted ticket holders and did not budge to these high profile misusers of power, incidentally can be called as ticketless traveller as they were holding a pre-dated and useless ticket. My sincere appreciation to this TTE. We need people like this and I am sure Indian Railways will achieve far higher profits by hardwork of these simple people.