My Experience with ISB
In the capacity of a possible future student of ISB, through Mails, ISB reviews, Sumantra Ghoshal’s addressal, ISB launch conferences
Likes/ Ups:
1) Sumantra Ghoshal(If you know what Bartlett-Ghoshal Theory means)
2) The Governing body, members
3) The quality of staff, teaching
4) The infrastructural commitments
5) Students from varied backgrounds
6) The placements (hopefully good. I do not agree with the failure of current placements, as the last year has been amongst the worst year in business after the Great Recession of 1930. So I would give them a breathing space for this year)
Dislikes/ Downs
1) The intake capacity
2) Location (Away from the business world. A business school in New York will be locationally advantage than in Houston for the stock exchange guys.)
3) No established alumni network
Who should attend?
1) People wanting to shift careers from junior management to mid-senior levels(Manager to senior Manager)
2) People wanting a lateral shifts (Manager QA to Manager Marketing)
3) People wanting an industry changes (Call centre Manager-to-Manager derivatives and Futures)
4) Mid-Career blues people (Confused people, who still have not found what they are looking for.) Its better to have some vision while applying!
5) Professionally and academically inclined ladies who got married quickly and now want to make impact in this environment (Got to submit the babysitter details with the application...... kiddin!:D)
6) Brilliant Senior Management people short on a professional qualification
7) Disillusioned Government/armed forces/ Civil servants
It is advisable that following person should not attend
1) People less than 2-3 years of solid and quality experience
2) People seeking entrepreneurial skills in non technology related areas. (It still would be wise to learn the ropes form the streets only)
3) People with the sole purpose of making money ahead of making a career after leaving ISB. (The ISB application form is not processed here but by the Kellogg’s school guys;))
The comparison is done with the IIMs (which are not only best in India and Asia but also leave a mark on the world MBA map also)
1.Infra Quality: In the league of IIMs, Comparable to Asian, Foreign MBAs are the best.
2.Teaching Staff: World class, the best in the business.
3.Admits and Selections: Although, IIMs have a more difficult entrance than the ISBs GMAT, but the inclusion of students other activities, work-ex, essays and SOPs make it an all round play rather than a pure academic based selection
4.Projects: As its a recent starter, I am inclined to believe that they have none. Here IIMS score above them.
5.Alumni: Nil. ISBs first batch passed out this year.
6.Networking: ISB has just started but has an enviable networking that will beat IIMs hands down. The affiliation, the governing board, placement commitments, industry contacts etc.
7.Cost: ISB is any day cheaper than your US/Asian MBA.
ISB is as cost effective than an IIM or for that matter any other college in India. Here is how->
IIM is a 2-year course and ISB is 1 year course. One still is studying at IIM when ISB grads have started working) Assuming that an average salary from ISB in the region of 5-6 lacs (i.e. if, you are an average!), at the end of 2 years you have recovered your money with your salary and sign on bonuses. Plus I am not counting the 12 months experience that you will gain to pommel you ahead of the IIM guys vying for the same post!
8.Scholarships: hmm.. There are apporx 20 scholarships available at ISB, but no full waiver. IIMs not known. In US, you can get a full scholarship waiver, if you have a brilliant past(I also have one... Kavita, tina, lily, shenaaz...!) No no...stooopid...!! I am talking about academic past! (Oh.. then its not for me..:D)
9.Finance: 100% finance available for ISB & IIM. donno much about US/Asian MBAs
Overall I would like to recommend it to you that ISB a good bet for a career launch through MBA education