ISRO has been involved in space research since a long time now and time and again it has hit the headlines both by its success and its failures.
ISRO was founded by a vision to put India on to the space race and reach a state of recognisition in this tough field.
It is long since it was founded and has been trying to reach its objectives but is the pace enough, , , , , does it reach a state of self sufficiency, , , , , are we in a state to beat the world, , , , ,
These are some of the questions we ought to answer and to most of them the answer is perhaps 50:50..
ISROS present failure is of no importance because no research is without failure but the points of utmost importance now is what should we do now???????????
I would suggest that a major thrust is put into its planning to do things fast and that too in style because than only we can self sufficient and be a power in space....because TO BE GOOD IS NOT ENOUGH WHEN YOU WANT TO BE GREAT....