Hi Guyz,
I am new here... I luv indiaz best n enjoy watching it.. I liv in germany n saw yesterday the grand finale episode..i am disappointed that sawar won.. I think mohit was much better.. mohit chaddha suitz as a hero... n I am happy that aditi won.. but I am so angry... becz mohit didnt win... mohit deserved it....! well, I cant change anything.
Ekta I read ur review abt indiaz best n u wrote that mohit and sharddha r going to b the supporting actors in the film? Are you sure? it wud b great.. then mohit n shraddha can prove their talent.
They r gonna star Indiaz Best next year again, but who can wait for such a long time? I am dying 2 c it again..Lool..i juz luv it n cant wait.
Are you guyz going to participate in it next year?
id luv to do it, but I liv in germany and dont hav any chance.. Bad Luck!