Hi Everyone!
This is Jaya from Wisconsin, USA. I am very frustrated and disappointed at the same time. It was because Mr. Mohit Dagga from Bhopal got kicked out twice from stage.
I was watching this show untill Mohit was kickeD. It really hurts when someone can;t see their talents. He has a superb talents and unique looks. I love his performance. When he got kicked out first time. I was shocked and I still don;t have any clue why they kick him at the first. But, then they called him again.
I almost turned off my t.v. with frustration. I wanted to request Zee network to give this guy a second chance or may be give him some small role break in zee serial. I would love to see him on screen. I think he will look dashing:))...I was pretty sad about the judges judgement. Nothing can do...rest is up to you all.
Jaya, All the way from U.S. ( NEPAL)