Hello guyz I want to share my reviews on the reality show IGT(indias got talent). Guyz this show really mean its name. According to me No but still the show is going on and audience also like. Few years ago IGT was an awesome reality show but now in season 7 its literaly getting down . The judges mallaika, kirron and karan did not select the talented people . If tge show is coming every season then tgey used to high the competition level of tge show but the TRP is also gettig down just becoz of judges. They select only dancers obly dancers and the people who are dancing on such a biggest platform must know that for them the dancing reality shows are there . From all the judges I dont lyk mallaika because she only use to come on t.v just to show her poor dress or vulgur dresses and kirron kher is also not good because she used to insult people who are less talented than others and karan johar only make differenf types of faces when he see some ones hot dance . I dont like Indias got talent season 7 . it is better to watch dance reality show or singing show, even it could be better to watch kapil sharma show. Ya its a good show for my family but not for me . For me its a wastage of time. Bhati singh makes the show somehow interesting bit not all the time. I am very disappointed with this show . It is now become a dance show and the dance which the contestants are performing audience have seen that type of dance in DID Aand other reality show even I have seen better dance on dance reality show. I think director should change the name of IGT. Guyz if on your t.v. nothing is coming not a good movie not a good serial or someting else which is your favorite then you can watch indias got talent for time pass because its a time pass show but its also family show .