On 15th January 2007 my brother via credit card made the payment for a HP Laptop and printer on indiatimes shopping online services. According to the policy at India times, the product would be delivered latest by the tenth day.We havent yet received the product.I have made a number of phone calls, also registered a complaint to the Customer Care department.But each time I speak to the representatives I get excuses and different dates for delivery.
The last time I spoke was two hours back, which has completely ticked me off.The representative was rude, refused to listen to me.On asking to speak to a senior representative I was told the lines are busy and that I must try later.At this point in time I am extremely angry and helpless as the investment is huge.I hope I do get the product eventually.But from here on I shall never make any purchases from indiatimes.I have lost the reputation of the brand completely.