This site is a con. No other word for it I believe. ITBC or bag it today or whatever else new avtar it wants to come in through, it is a site which is running a con. And yes, I blame myself for falling for it. You will get lured by free gifts and free holidays and offers and buy stuff which you probably dont need and can most likely do without hoping to get that elusive free holiday in India .. and theyre advertising abroad.. but then you find the reality and you feel like a fool.
Here are the specifics:- ordered a DVD player, I got it ..after a good 3-4 weeks of lead time. Product is fine, not damaged - but now for the imp. part. The so called holiday offer is accessible by a series of 3-4 crazy steps which ensure total control is in hand of holiday provider and not you. First you generate some voucher code etc. based on your invoice and by going into an obscure web page which is difficult to find. Then you send a booking form to some company in Bangalore request holiday voucher.
That company will reply back with a voucher (or in my case didnt) and even if it does youve to pay an 800 Rs. DD processing charge with some ID proof etc. before they send you FINALLY the hotel voucher. AS per their rules all correspondence through NORMAL POST - so no proof of your precious DD etc. sent to them. And ya... ITBC says any correspendence regarding holiday voucher etc. to be done directly with this company Premier Sales Promotion.. so theyve already washed their hands off your holiday.
In this crazy cycle of generating vouchers I am still at 2nd step and have not yet heard from this Bangalore company. But even if I did... the crazy cycle will continue I am sure.
Oh , and yes I did order another thing from these ITBC people.. something I did actually want , and wanted to gift someone. Order id: 998789813. AFTER: - 3 phone calls one with 20 mins of wait time, 3 emails (as there was intial confusion regarding order - do u know by the way their customer service people "punch in" orders 10-15 days after you give them so kiss goodbye to any cust. service guy giving you meaningful answer on status for 10-15 days !!!) AND 35 days later that order has still NOT BEEN DELIVERED.
Which is why I nominate this company for probably the worst shopping site ever (though Tradus is a close second).
My thoughts - avoid buying from Bag it today unless you actually need the product - dont get lured in by holidays , free gifts- and even then think twice cause chances are your product will be delivered in 4-5 weeks. If its a piece of clothing it may be out of fashion by then !!!!