Hi guys,
Would like to share my review with you today.
I had booked two tickets for my parents from Bangalore to Visakhapatnam on 21 January 2018 at 5:55 in the morning.
I dropped them off at the airport by 4:50 am and was guiding them to the counter to collect their boarding pass.
They had reached the Queue at 5:00am hence asked my parents to inform one of the Indigo airline employee to help them to collect the boarding pass.
They were informed to join the Queue irrespective of when the flight was.
When there tern came up at the counter, they were informed that counter is closed for their flight and they were late by 2 minutes.
They informed the staff(Dayanand) that they were in time for the flight and when requested for help to collect their boarding pass initially they were asked to follow the Queue, and due to which they were 2 minutes late.
My parents contacted me to inform the same.
I tried reasoning to them that as per DGCA rules(Director General of Civil Aviation) they are supposed to assist the customers to get their boarding passes in the above mentioned case by default.
The call got escalated to Ali Azgar(manager)(so called) when I tried reasoning the above reasons with him, he was so rude and did put me on hold for 15 minutes. When I informed him that I would escalate this to DGCA, I would like to quote this for the record, his statement was " do escalate this, we dont care what the DGCA has to say about it. And the only thing that I can do for you is to book the next flight for you".
It looks like DGCA is not having any control over the airlines in terms of rules and regulations that they have to follow and this company will do as it wishes with its customers.
When I pressed harder to get them to help they said it would cost 6000 Rs more for the next flight. I became irate and asked him if it was a business class seat to give 6000 Rs per ticket.
After a long argument with him he came to a price of 950 Rs per ticket.
Which my parents paid as they had to travel the same day.
My parents informed me that there were 30 people more who were told the same reason.
It looks like Indigo over books their flights and mints money in this way.
Its high time for DGCA the governing body to look into this matter and take the appropriate action against such airline who dont follow the rules.