I have to write this review to do justice to all those people who suffered with me. I was booked on the 21.10 flight from Chennai to Delhi. There was a major traffic jam near the airport. I called up the Indigo counter and informed them that I was minutes away from the airport. I was informed that the counter would be open till 20.45.
I rushed in at 20.48 and saw the lady (Santha) at the counter leaving, she saw me rushing in with my ticket in hand but she just walked away. Then I went to the Indigo station and was requesting the staff there to help me. For 10 minutes no one was even listening to me. Then at 21 Jennifer tells me that the flight has taken off to which I asked her how can a 21.10 flight take off at 21.00???
She then replied that the doors are closed. But prior to that when I was requesting for 12 minutes she was busy talking over the phone and other crew members were just watching with pure dis-interest. There was another couple who had walked in at 20.45 but they were informed that the counter was closed.
I wanted to speak to the Station Manager (Praveen) who took a good ten minutes to reach the Station. I kept requesting him and he just said "Cant do anything, company rules, no refund, company policy".
I wanted to speak to somebody from customer care I was put on to Kartick who was at least sensitive to the fact that I had not only lost the flight but also money. But while I was explaining to him Santha kept bunging into the conversation till I finally lost my calm and told her"Look lady it is because of you that many people here (11 of us) have managed to miss the flight, you walked out of the counter when you saw us rushing in. You are guilty and just trying to pacify your own conscience. You please be quiet as you are the main culprit". I also told Kartick that I am angry because none of your staff paid any attention to our requests, they kept doing their own thing till it was too late to do anything else. They did not even utter "I will try". To which again Santha barged in to say that if we wanted to try we would have.
I explained to them that this exactly was the problem, there was no initiative, there was no ownership of any mistake, no sense of any kind of customer service only attitude, arrogance and
I-am-right-do-what-you-can expression.There was no regret remorse or guilt of any kind even after their mistakes (like Jennifer telling me that the flight has taken off 10 minutes prior to the departure time).
The worst twist in all of this is that Mr. Mahendran who walked in at the counter at 20.30 to check in for the 21.10 flight was turned away and told that he cannot check in now.
I have never seen such a bunch of contemptuously impertinent, impudent bunch of staff.I would never want to travel by this airline again if this is my on ground experience I shudder to imagine whet will it be like up in the sky where we would be at their mercy.