Hello Friends
This is my personal experince with this latest entrant in LCC segment in aviation.
what happened with me goes like:
i was flying from delhi to pune on 21st september. the check in counter was pathitic. the attendant was writing the details on boarding pass with her pen (the pen was of kingfisher). she was so slow that in few minutes the queue became very large. then one attendant came and told the check in counter girl that as soon as u finish this delivery of boarding pass we would fly. due to her slow work we flew almost one hour late. at pune airport my collegue was waiting for me. after landing when I met him he told me that from the past 45 minutes this people are saying that the flight is landing in another 5 minutes.
thats not the end.
i had to fly back on 25th morning to dellhi. flight was at 12.10 pm.
i admit that I was late but only 5 minutes. I reached at the counter at11.45am and the person standing over there talked so unpolighty and disrespectfully that I wanted to slap him right there.
he told that the flight was on time so we cant do anything. he even told that if u would have come 30 minutes before departure of flight then only we could do something. anyways the flight managed to take off at 12.20pm. this means i still had 5 minutes and if they wished they could had done something. but the guy and the manager both were like I had committed a big crime by being 5 minute late.
really very annoying service.
Pls reply back to my experince.i want that every user should not this fact.
Anshul Bansal