I am astonished at the so many negative ratings given by your readrers for this airline. I have travelled by Indigo 5-6 times in last one year from Kolkata to Bangalore, Guwahati, Jaipur etc., and found it to be much better than many other airlines like Air Deccan who are real thieves as they failed to refund cost of air tickets even when their flights were cancelled. Indian Airlines is a stinking airline with hopeless cabin crew with stale food. Jet airways is one of the cosliest and I dont understand why people travel by this very ordinary airline.
Indigo is much better in every respect. You can book tickets online and reserve your seat as per your choice. However you have to buy snacks on board if you are hungry. But bottled water is given free, and dont compare it with Kingfisher whose tickets are two/three times costlier. So if you want economy travel at real low cost, I recommend - travel by Indigo and be happy.