So far, my experiences with flying were limited to Indian Airlines, Jet and Kingfisher. So obviously I was a little unsure when I came to know that I shall be taking an Indigo flight. It was not really my choice, but due to a ceratin budget and 11 (!) air tickets to be purchased, we decided to go Indigo. For some days prior to my flight, I went around worrying and asking whoever I met ‘So how’s Indigo ?’
However after talking with like some dozen people it was Harish (TITUHKP) who assured me on an ms meet that Indigo is the right choice after all ! So off we were – on a sunny Thursday morning to catch our Indigo flight. Right at the check in, we were welcomed by the warm smiles of Indigo staff which felt really nice. Another pleasant surprise was the new look of Delhi International airport. I have always dreaded catching flights from the Delhi airport, mainly because of the crowds and confusion, but this time was different. Cool, empty spaces, shining floors and posh interiors, Delhi airport seems to have got a face lift and how !
The flight was on time – which again put a smile on my face. This was amazing, I thought. I am so used to waiting on airports for hours and hours due to delayed flights in a really irritable mood (specially Indian Airlines and Jet) that this was like an unexpected happy moment for me. We literally sailed through the security check, thanks to the suddenly revamped system on the Delhi airport. A quick bite at the KFC counter (who can resist KFC anyway) and we walked towards our boarding gate. The interiors of the plane were just fine though I did notice that leg space was limited.
But then a return ticket to Goa for under six thousand bucks is quite a bargain. So leg space or not, we were not complaining. The in-flight announcements were hurried and garbled, but then, I am also tired of those fist-crunchingly boring announcements on oxygen masks, seat belts, doors at the side of plane which will open up in case of emergencies etc. that I did not care. Yet, I did feel that maybe they could have made things a bit lucid for the sake of first time passengers. The pessimist in me kept wondering if we would really take off on time but I need not have worried actually.
Because we did take off dot on time. The flight was pleasant, I was amazed that the plane did not bump around much when we were clearly in a cloudy, turbulent area. I have suffered silently through many such bumpy moments when I have felt that this may the last moment on this earth and said my prayers with a white face. But no sir, not on board in Indigo. We did not actually intend to eat anything during the flight because we were so full (thanks to KFC), but with kids on board, there was no way that the air hostesses with pretty smiles could pass us by with promising carts loaded with delicious looking sandwiches and cakes.
So I ended up buying some cheese sandwiches and fruit cake with a lot of misgivings (I mean, why did we pig out in KFC then ?). But then, who listens to me anyway ? So buy the food we did. And surprise, surprise again ! The food was terrific – the sandwiches were soft and creamy and the cake was absolutely melt-in-the mouth yummy. Again, I could not help comparing this delectable fare with the absolutely hideously oily stuff I have eaten in flights so far. The flight landed right on time and before we knew, we were in Goa. The return journey was just as smooth and comfortable. Would I fly Indigo again ? Yes, I will. Thanks to Harish for the recommendation.