This hospital is certainly not for common or middle class sensitive indian family . In our traditional system, our love one needs emotional personal/social support besides medical treatment which provide a necessary ingredient to survive our patient in fighting against the serious illness. Apollo hospital ensure that emotional personal/social support should not reach to your patient through their foolproof security even better than security of any banks cash or safe room. And why not?, your patient is also like cash deposit and hospital will not do right diagnosis and right treatment as this will lead to early and timely recovery rather they ensure and workout strategies for your loveones extended stay at five star hospital(long term deposit with strict withdrawl clause) . The hospital have whole lot of super specialist(?) doctors team and thier best use is to know as how many hospital/ICU day can be awarded to your loved one. Here I say is 50 50 chance for your patient and you can also know the outcome of your patient. If your loved one is critically ill and his immune system is strong enough to fight against the deadly infection running in the hospitals ICU/equipments than more chances are for survival otherwise ready to face other half with clause as cardiac arrest due embolism or pneumonitis.. etc. And also your patient should have enough motivation to survive against negligent care throughout the treatment period.
It appears that hospital and doctors have some sort of understanding like look you are superspecialist doctor and know that the patient can be fit in n numbers of days but workout to add x days in recovery period to make it n+x day of recovery time safely( or as per your choice in the case where extra cautious behaviour displayed by patients attenders). After all, we are
running a company and company has to earn some profit also.
Here some rules they seems to have devised.
Ensure/Convince that patient is a fit case for their ICU.
ICU doctors are competent enough to sedate heavily once your patient is in their charge.
Patient to receive a must sedation during lunch and dinner and if required than during tea time also. This will ensure that your patient will not ask anything and will not disturb doctors and nurses during such times.
Ensure a must sedation during visiting hours so that patients visitor and attenders can have look and feel their unconscious lying patient and start praying start seeing treating as another form of GOD for you.
Run such treatment for at least 2 next days in ICU since two days ICU stay charges has already deposited by the patients attenders.
Now it is time watch 50 50 chances of some unknown complications (but known to superspecialist)apart from their valid(?) cause for ICU admission.
If complication than party and ensure proper invitation to superspecialist for safe and valid entry and treat the complication. (In case of discharge than inform patient to visit and see this superdoctor everytime regularly)And enjoy over and long term billing.
If survived safely against the must sedation and infection than transfer to HDU (high dependence unit) and wait another two or three days for infection to catch up.
If succeed then take back in ICU and treat there and guess and enjoy billing.
10 If treated than superspecialists job is well over and see how such a strong immune system can be buildup.
Above such experience is not a uncommon story as far apollo is concerned. They even do not bother about case of important personalities such Ranga, Maran and more recently Shree Jaya Pradas husband case rather gaining mastery to justify deaths such as rare dieses, rare death and non preventable etc.. Apollo is full of insensitive staff and well trained in above such procedures and patients surrogates and attenders are looked as hinderance to their malpractice and valued accordingly.