1021 dn. and 1022 up indrayani express trains are office goers trains connecting Mumbai to Pune in the morning in Dn. direction and Pune to Mumbai in the evening in up direction. the train was originally strted as a parallel to Mumbai-Pune to deccan queen in reverse direction. today the mantle is passed to Intercity superfast train which reaches to pune in 3 hrs 5 minutes in the same direction as Indrayani. but intercity does not stop at kalyan in either direction and does not stopat karjat while coming from pune. so for Kalyan, domivali, ulhasnagar passengers indrayani is the best train to reach to Pune for office work. The train is on electric traction.
1021dn: A.m in the morning :Mumbai CSTd: 5-40 dadar: 5-53 thane: 6-15 kalyan:6-35 karjat: 7-13 lonavala :8-02 pune : 0-08
1022 up: P.M in the evening Pune d: 6-35 lonavala :7-25 karjat: 20-10 kalyan:8-50 Thane:9-10 dadar:9-35 Mumbai CST: 9-55
As one notices the train takes just 3 hours and 25 minutes for its journey and so qualifies as superfast train but no superfast charge is levied.
An Important Tip: in the morning the train actually strts 3 minutes later at CST that is at 5-43 and is at dadar at 5-55 and this explains the time 9-08 at Pune so that in the early morning passengers usually do not miss the train due to 3 minutes clever undocumented adjustment by railways.
Earlier U could not board this train without unreserved ticket. now u can do it. Except on mondays the train is almost empty in the genral II class compartment and in reserved cII class at Dadarar. Since the journey is of 3 and half hours this is a better option than to take the next train( crowded intercity) which reaches pune at 9-52. tTHe ticket is very cheap merely rs. 54 between Dadar and pune by II class. so do give it a try rather than taking costly and time consuming volvo either by in unreserved class or on purchase of reserved ticket through internet or mobile phone of airtel. now one can even use debit cards. also if u use SBI railway credit card the additional card booking charges are waived. u need not wait for ticket to be couriered. just remeber the seat numbers and keep internet receipt and the card with u.
U can enjoy excellent scenery in khandala ghat between KArjat and Lonavala. in the morning u see fog and greenery. on return in the evening u see beautiful lighting of khopoli. board the train with preferably right side window traveling in the morning to avoid the sun and also to enjoy better scenery. U just can not enjoy this scenery on express-way. Pantry service is available on the train
U wil never know when u reach pune while having a nap f followed by a cup of coffee.
Warning: please for heavens sake do not open window and glance between mumbai-kalyan. U will notice a very ugly scene that of toilet city Mumbai. u will notice people passing theoir loos by the side of the tracks.
THe train has II class seats both reserved and unreserved a separate compartment for II class season ticket holders. separate compartment for women both ( reserved II class and II class). also there is separate compartment for women season ticket hoders. Mumbai-pune are the really sophisticated and cultured cities in india where women can travel to work wothout undue sexual harrassment in journey. EXperience it.
Tip: to get a reserved seat in Women II clas u have to mention the preference ladies in reservation for. At times when reserved seats are full in II class the seats will be available for women. if u have not mentioned in the form booking clerk will not tell u this.
For commuters staying in western suburbs of Mumbai DADar station stop is convenient .
For commuters intending to reach pune city and DECCan gumkhana the train halts at shivajinagar in the Dn direction. This is an important point whwere the indrayani express scores over Intercity express.but while returning to Mumbai the train does not stop at shivajinagar.
*Tip: there is maddening rush for II class general ticket at pune station in the evening. try the newly opened window on the other part of the station(Eastern side). try to take a ticket in the morning only if possible. also one day advance ticket is available at advance ticket window near the main entrance of Pune staion near to platform
*a slight disadvantage is that currently the train strts from Pune on platform 2/3 and there is heavy rush on the staircase. give 10 minutes for reaching the platform.
also nowadays there are 3By 3 setas which are slightly uncomfortable.
Advantage: even during peak hours the train does not get delayed. it is highly punctual.