A bad experience can definitely help to save another! This is what I thought about before writing in MS. Schools have become business for many crorepaties who have loads of cash and dont know where to invest in. I came across this school as I reside in the same area. What I heard from the insider is that the school was built by a group of north Indian retired IIT cash straped graduates. The school was inagurated around 4 years back to be precise. Being built on a large scale with huge buildings, playgrounds, swimming pools, tennis courts, school buses etc. I had expected this school to be well structured in educational curriculam too.
My 5 yr old kid excelled in his kindergarten school and I expected a better show from schooling onwards. Thought the fees was hefty, still I opted for my kids future. We were given a list of stationery items required for the entire year! Regarding the school uniform, we were told to purchase light blue and green tshirts with blue jeans! And for the footwear - Reebok Shoes! Crazy! I spent Rs.2600 for a tinly pair of shoes which became useless in just 4 months, my kid was growing! Hyderabad becomes sultry from March to August. During this period my kid used to sweat at lot and he used to suffer silently in the thick clothing.
Coming to the curriculam, Indus follows CBSE pattern. They follow some foreign type of education pattern. It seems their policy is to educate the child right in the class and home works are not much. Also the kids need not carry books as they are kept in the class. I never understood this pattern till the year end. My kid was happy at the sight of this so called world school.
Few days after joining, the day light seem to creep out. This school admits mentally handicapped children! Every class has 20 - 25 students and 2 teachers to look after them. I mean in the primary sections. 5 - 10 seats are allocated to these mentally handicapped children. This was revealed by the class teacher of my kid herself! Within 1 month, my kid started to act strange. He refused to go to school and he used to cry almost everyday. I never expected from a child who was so eager to spend time in school and friends. One fine day, I went to his school to pick him up. He just came out of his class and just then a kid from his own class came running from the back and gave him a hard push and my kid fell flat on the ground! After a lot of enquiry, I came to know that the other kid was not of a sound mind. The entire year, my son was troubled by him and other 2 kids. During a P&T meeting, I asked why such children are admitted here? They replied that the children will come out of thier disabilities through interaction with normal children. I dont agree with this. By the end of the academic year, my kid behaviour became bad. I managed to meet the parents of other kids of his class and all of them had the same problems.
During the sports day or on any other functions, the parents are made to stand in a line in the sun outside the gate! No one is allowed to enter without signing the register. The security look at the us as if we are criminals. There was even an incident when a parent had lost his temper with the school management due to their bad attitude and the principal called the police and all of them made the parent to apologise before the whole school! This was not enough, the principal emailed the whole incident and gloated about her victory through an email to all the parents! The principal was a lady and she resembled a lady Hitler. I heard she was removed last year.
All P&T meetings were an eyewash and in the final P&T meeting, I was given a report stating that as parents we had neglected our child and so is the reason his grades fell! What stupidity. What is the school for? That entire year I had paid Rs.60, 000 as fees and my kid was not able to spell even simple 3 and 4 letter words. Text books and note books were never sent to us until unless we asked for. I also came to know that the teachers were just housewives who joined the school just to get 100% discount for their children who are studying in the same shool! One teacher was a 12th class passout, while the other was a B.Sc candidate! Why cant the school take BEd qualified teachers? I also came to know that the school pays just Rs.5000 - 7000 for primary teachers! What do we expect from low paid teachers? Nothing! I met the Principal, the VC and the Chairman. The chairman was another misfit. All were glad to extend their sorries and forgiveness. When a complaint was lodged, they called us almost after 2 weeks!
We removed our child and put him in a corporate school and believe me, he has been scoring not less then 93% in all exams. The fee charged was just one third of Indus. Now I am happy with my kids progress in education. Money can only help but cannot educate a child but a good teacher can. I request parents in secunderabad to avoid this school and look for a better one in the crowd.