The first interface a customer has with any bank is opening a savings bank account.
The account no . got generated within half an hour. Good Job you would say.
My joy was shortlived though as I needed a ATM card and a cheque book to operate the account . The welcome kit containing the ATM/debit card arrives from Mumbai . It never arrived after 15 days . Contacting the branch people I was told I could withdraw through a loose leaf .
However, I needed to issue cheques to people.
After regular follow ups I wrote to the an e-mail address provided at the banks website . I finally got a cheque book and debit card after 25 days. I checked with others who had a similar experience if they open 10 accounts . 5 people had similar experience . You order for a additional check book nothing happens .
This bank has practice of not sending a bank statement at all . Since past year I have not received any nor my colleagues.. You have to go to the branch and take a dot matrix printout by telling your account number..
No couriering of cheque books. Forget e-statements. Very sad .
I stopped using this bank account and using my Citibank , UTI bank account after this sad experience.
But there are no processes and systems in place.
I would not advice people to deal with this bank service levels are like a government bank. Very basic services like sending bank statement and couriering additional cheque books are not there.
Good thing is there is no communication from this bank no e-mail , no product mailers. This banks does not need new customers . You will not got any tele sales call etc.They do not beleive in marketing their services. After opening your bank account you can rest in peace. Like a govermment bank.
I have account with Citibank, ABN Amro and UTI Bank . This bank 20 years behind these banks . They dont have a toll free number. forget phone banking . No body has heard of these things in this bank. ATM s are very few . They have sharing arrangements with other banks. However, the bank staff are not themselves sure whether one would be charged while using other banks ATM.
Only saving grace is the banks staff they talk politely and try to generally resolve problems.