This was the first time I placed my order on and also for the first time I had ordered anything online. Actually, I was looking to order for two books namely the Kalki Purana and the Brahamvevart Purana, and I found these books listed on after doing some online research.
I must say that I was absolutely amazed by the speed of their response in sending me the books. When I first registered on the site, so that I could order the books from my account, I immediately received a confirmation in my email about my registration.
I placed my order through my account on May 18 2009 and the order was dispatched the very next day on May 19 2009 through Blue Dart, though it was mentioned that the books would take between 3-5 business days for delivery. Simultaneously, I also received a confirmation from customer service that the books were being shipped. I promptly received the books on 20 May 2009.
The books were received in a very good condition. Both the books were packed firmly inside a plastic cover and enclosed within a sturdy corrugated box and properly sealed with packing tape. I must say these guys just rock when it comes to promptness in delivery and the high levels of their customer service.
Buoyed by their promptness in delivery, I wanted to check them out for the second time. I had been looking for a suitable Hindi-English dictionary and I deemed that the Allied Chambers Transliterated Hindi English Dictionary would be suitable. I checked up the catalog of, but the book was not listed at that time. However, I spoke to based on my positive experience with my first order and requested them to source the book for me.
The person responsible was very courteous and agreed to source the book for me as soon as possible. Not only did they fetch the book for me, but they also provided me a brand new copy at a discounted rate of Rs. 420 than the cover price of Rs. 525. Also, they have added the book on their catalog for the benefit of other buyers. In both these cases, I did not pay a single penny extra as shipping charges.
I must say that I am very confident about and their quality of services. I will not hesitate to order more books and other products from their site in the future. Absolutely recommended!