First of all I would say, stay away from this store. They doesnt know the meaning of E-commerce store at all. I have mailed 2 times, till today no response to my mail as well as my 4-5 calls. We have to call again and again to check the order status. Their responses are like robotic.
They doesnt deliver after 6 p.m. and if someone is not at home, they dont even call or inform us by mail. What we have to is just want to check the status by calling them. There is no use of putting any note while ordering. They dont consider. There is no use of putting our contact no. because they dont call at all.
The worst case is they even dont agree to return the product no matter how bad its delivered. After 5 days of shipping the sweets we received so its definitely not good so I have lost my 500 bucks because of INFIBEAM.COM.
So buyers beware! DONt BUY!