Beware friends, My name is Khalid and SAP GURU/Infosat Corporation(Address: H - 60, South Extn Part - 1, New Delhi - 49)(Mobile:9999015809/9899439529) has cheated me of Rs. 1, 00, 000 /-.
They promise me good course and job but in the end they cheated me. They are biggest frauds.
SAP GURU/Infosat Corporation - Rohit Sharma/Sridhar Dayal/Priya/Pinky are Fraud and Cheaters. I am Uploading Rohit Sharma alias Sridhar Dayal alias SAP GURU Pix(Right Side standing in blue court) and Priya alias Pinky alias Purnima Pix herewith so that they cant cheat with more sMr_customtakeouternts like me in future.
Remberer Friends, They will gurantee you job then they will tell that " In the end of the day you have to come to them for getting the job" or " fees will increase if you will join latter" this all are fraud. They are biggest cheaters. Please dont trust SAP GURU/Infosat Corporation/Rohit Sharma/Sridhar Dayal/Priya/Pinky and dont waste your money like me. For more information email me at: