Here is a conspiracy theory.Anita Desai(and not her daughter Kiran Desai) is the real author!I thought the book was ok. But did it have all the right ingradients to win the booker prize? You bet it did!
I found the book so carefully written according to the current norms of acceptance. of being a booker prize winner.that I could not supress a doubt.suspicion!
Did Anita Desai(Kiran Desais mother) actually write this book?Now I am not saying that Kiran is not a good author and/or capable of winning booker on her own etc.I am sure she is!
But I am somewhat familiar with both their styles. Also Anita(the mom) was never awarded the booker although she did reach the shortlist.maybe there were some internal politics etc which only she is aware of that kept her from getting it.she is certainly worthy of a booker!
Perhaps in a sense of revenge/sarcasm/turning tables.etc.she decided to write a book.this one.made to win the booker! She certainly has the past experience to know what works and what to play the game.from her own mistakes before.I guess. She wrote it under Kirans name to avoid the politics or personal conflicts she may have with some booker-bosses.Maybe she/Kiran will reveal it someday to embarass the booker.
OK maybe this is just a conspiracy theory.but not that improbable.what say?