I read this book 2 years ago while traveling in train from upstate NY to NY city.
Osho has given these 10 series discourse in Hindi in Gujarat, India. After each discourse, he led meditation technique. All these discourse/speech has been transcribed and translated into English. Anybody who wants to understand meditation, Gita or Upanishad, one must read this book before reading anything about God or Religion.
A practical guidebook for the seeker, for the inner traveler. The Inner Journey is a precise manual for creating the inner balance and harmony to pave the way for the experience of meditation. The complete science of the hara, full of techniques to relax the mind, tune the heart, drop into the hara center. Detailed guidance on how to approach food, work, and sleep as tools for enlightenment.
Fearlessness is not the absence of fear, fearlessness is the total presence of fear with the courage to face it. - OSHO
He has explained each and every detail of human body, human unconscious in such simple with lucid example and jokes. He never makes anyone to feel guilt about anything and keep enjoying the life with the naval and heart center. He says to live life though the mind is to live minimum. He explanation about spirituality is so simple, innocent child like loving and yet so powerful. India has almost forgotten about their real treasure - the meditation.
Osho once again after 25 century -after Buddha, refines all with his great intelligence and wisdom. I had to say, one girl who was sitting next me got the chance to read few lines and she immediately asked me to land this book as she was studying the women condition in India and there are many things osho said in this book how important is that woman?s liberation will be the liberation of men too. This is just an example but the whole journey he says is on the liberation from mind and the liberation from oneself the ultimate liberation?.but one wonders HOW ??? You got to read this book or listen his audio tapes?either way !