This review will be a little harsh but I hope you guys will understand the matter involved and help us all who are suffering for just this soul company.
My name is Vasanth and I am a vendor (supplier) who is into Hardware and building materials business . we have been involved with film City Bidadi since they started their ground works , with all hopes we did supply a lot of materials to Film city Management on a credit bases hoping that they will be best to honour payments , but it was really a wrong notation that we now regret , it has been almost 2 years since we have done our work but till date this payments are yet getting honoured.
They even paid payment with cheques at few intervals but even they seems to be bouncing back , it is really sad at times to know that not just me but there are also a lot of other vendors who had to be quite at last since they knew it was very difficult to even get pressure them as they are in deep depts , many other have turned to be in partnership with them just to get their payments back.
Many at times my father had send our person for collection but all they time they go the ire they would frame up stories saying that so called person or management is not there ... it is a pity on certain employees over their as they end up getting our wrath over them . many of them who are finally scared to even pick calls from vendors like us .we have also realised that the Chairman prasad is in huge depts and is trying his best to make all ends meets , which in this scenario is not going to happened , I take this time to caution others who are involved in any form of business contacts with Film city to do the necessary checks before they supply any good to them , you may take this review seriously or do a check before you trust it .but I am honest with my words and pained with things of humiliation happened to us ! I even wonder what future innovative film city or its employees will have .. people be cautious