A crappy place, costly, badly located and has nothin to offer. Has 4 screens all of which are rather shall in size and does not have an excellent sound quality.
Yet people flock this place. CAll it need or call it inavalibity - for Innovative Multiplex they all spell BUSINESS.
The screens are small if you compare it with any of the multiplexes situated anywhere else. But what other good screen and modern theatre does bangalore have ???
Very few cinema halls play english movies anyways.
The FORUM was going to have 11 screens and everyone was anticipating it
but when they would start no one knows. So MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES ...till there is no better place for the bangalore people this is the best place to watch movies.
The really amusing part is that these guys also have Electricity problems and if there is only a handful of people in a screen the screen is kept shut at the customers expense.
We have faced this situation once and got refund of out tickets but hell .. you were there to watch the movie werent u ????
So as guessed .. you know the verdict ... go there till a better option comes up and then dont even date look towards marathalli.