Its quite interesting animate and quite heart touching movie poured with hilariousness of fear and most cute sadness animate is best characters in this movie.
Its a movie about bond b/w the emotions of a persons and how it react and how much it require for sets us up for a couple of welcome things:
A plot which piques our curiosity, and a leading man retracting from the brink. An unwelcome intruder disrupts the placid progression of a man devoted to his family.
Leading to a shocking event. Will their life ever be the same again? is a ‘fourth class fail’ self-made orphan who has climbed his way up to a modest little business of his own. He runs a cable outfit in a sleepy Goa village, with the help of a young assistant, and watches films with an obsessive passion, often spending nights in front a screen.
His pretty wife and two bubbly daughters vie for his attention, and we see them do stuff that regular folk do: outings to nearby Panjim, joshing at the dinner table. Into this idyll walks in a brash teenage boy with an unconscionable demand, and ruin stares them in the face. -