Insidious: The last key is the fourth installment of Insidious series and I must say it is the worst of the series. It starrs Lin Shay as the demonologist Elise. Having wasted both my money and time, I therefore type this review so that my readers do not waste theirs.
1) Plot: Elise, the demonologist, has to deal with the supernatural beings of the past when she goes to rescue a man from the same house where she lived. It may sound interesting but the plot around doesnot justify it. Elise is scared even when a phone rings. However, without any logic she suspects the call from the same house where she lived in New York. Elise must exorcise her demons of the past with her assistants but the eventually it actually becomes boring for the audience with the same old technique and dialogues.
2) Music: In all his movies, James Wan has tried to freak out audience with sneaky background musics which he could not carry out in this movie. Without those music the movie is not at all scary.
3) Cinematography: Cinematography makes the film worse. From the scene of jumping on a mere phone ring to the cartoon-like ghost, audience doesnot receive any horror freaks through out the movie. Anyone with basic understanding of horror movie could easily predict those twists.
4) Performance: Apart from Lin Shay, not one of the others have impressed. The scream, the fear, the agony has not been brought by those actors.
Thus, I do not recommend anyone to waste over this film.