His is w.r.t to the school.
I liked the school so I joined my son from LKG onwards and now my son is in 2nd standard.
The school rules and everything was good but now the school rules and regulation changed a lot.
The principal just does their monopoly.
I have so many concern.
- The teachers dont teach properly and put everything in parents side.
If this is the case why you are paying that much to you.
- For english and other subject new words they will not dictate anything in the school to chekc how much they are learning but simply write down on board does not help and they will give hw as learn and surpprise teat.
The student will not ahve much idea as they simply copy from board.
I sthis the quality education do you teach .
- I noticed the school holiday list has increased drastically
unnecessary holiday., I already complained to the class teacher but they said some construciton work is going on such a stupid answer.
who give 2 weeks dushera holiday.diwali one week and on the top of it unnecessary holidays.
Seems like we are paying only for the teachers for their holiday .
If the situation is like that it is very difficult for many student to continue fourther.
Many parents we talked aout all such issues.
So many new schhols are ocming in our area will not have any difficulties ata ll.
new horizon does not give such unnecessary holiday and they put their holiday in their diary so that everything is clear.
Simply just to hide your unethical way of echeating you dont print it in the diary.
Please I hope management will take proper action and w want the answer for this.
So many parents we decided not to continue further coz of such monopoly.
Can I expect a reply for this.
Why the h oliday on nov 26.
I have attached the current holiday list.
3.Recently for a minister passed away at 8 we received message for school holiday.
IF both the parents are working and no body is ther at home what tthey should have done no safety at all.