The plot: Robert de Niro (whom I ADORE) and Robin Williams (who spooked me out big-time in One Hour Photo) duke it out in this weird movie. De Niro is a crooked cop, Williams is ... well, he writes books that teenage girls LOVE to read.
De Niro heads up to Alaska to solve a possible murder of a pretty little gal who falls for an older man (guess who?). Somehow, de Niro kills a cop (by mistake), a sexy female cop in Alaska finds out about de Niros past sins, and de Niro suddenly comes down with a case of insomnia that should have put a normal human being into a hospital for evaluation. In the end, the hero and anti-Christ (although Im not sure which actor is the hero/anti-Christ) kinda sorta like ... dont survive.
You know what turned me off? De Niro! His portrayal of an insomniac was more like that of an Alzheimers patient! He stumbled through the entire movie with his mouth hanging open - gosh - maybe he was wondering WHY he actually got PAID to act in this movie?
What turned me on? Williams, actually! Soooo sinister, sooooo calm, sooooo much more likeable than de Niro!
The photography - well, the scenic views of Alaska are very good. The views of the actors are mediocre.
Watch it with friends, and channel-surf during the dull moments (you wont miss much).