This is my first review of some sorts.havent posted anything. so kindly accept the amateur! wanted to write somethin for a cult, dunno where exactly to post it! can someone also help me out!
In colleges of Mumbai, the flavor you are bound to see is western. The entire lifestyle of a collegiate is influenced from the west! Globalization began a decade back, but now, we can say rest assured that it has created a new culture shadowing the Indian norms!
Majority of the collegiate are into western music! Many of them were into music, much before globalization too… but now it’s more of a necessity to listen and to know about the music in order to be termed as ‘cool’!
Most of these people wear metallica and iron maiden t-shirts without having any clue who these people are, and flaunt as if they know their music in and out! When asked one central college student his music preference, the usual response is “heavy metal man”; favorite band, ”metallica man”; and then if you ask for his favorite metallica number, then you see a blank expression!
Its no longer a choice you make, rather it’s a choice others make for you!
You can say the same with food buffs; earlier where an canteen or an udipi used be the hang-outs, now its been replaced by coffee bars viz. barista and mocha!
Burger and French fries have replaced the pani puri and bhel!
Finally, it’s a choice one has to make, but do keep the Mumbai culture as an option too!