Hello Guys.
I am one of the student of Chartered Accountancy course at Intermediate level .which is known as CA-IPC.
first of all.It is really really a Hard course to do.yes it is very hard. no I am not making all of you afraid.it is the reality of this course.believe me. I am doing my intermediate level. so it is my real experience. with it.
First of all I want to give an introduction with this profession. this profession are recognised all over the worldwide as well as accepted as one of the prestigious course to do.
There is no need to say about that our Finance minister. said that.one of his press conference with the media.
In india. there is only 2 things which is hardly possible.
first to get fail in LLB
and second to get pass in CA examination. they knew .what kind of examination ICAI has been setting since establishment of the such body.
But by the way. now I am going to some Glimpse of this course.
There is 3 stage to become a CA .
CPT- Foundation level
IPC - Intermediate Level
Final - ofcourse it is last stage of this course
the foundation level is divided in 6 subjects and your paper will come MCQ type based questions. earlier there was only 4 four subjects.
The Intermediate level is divide in 2 two groups. and you have to appear for examination after 8 month from the date of registration after you pass the CPT.basically the First group of IPC is very core group of this level. it covers 70% of course material of this level.
Now the final level comes in .after you completed both group.either both or individually .in this stage your practical life experience in this field will explore.
you have to do Articleship with a Practising Chartered Accountant . under a firm. .
after the completion of 3 years of practical training at this level. you will be eligible to sit in examination of final.
Now my personal experience with this course is very hard and harsh. I must say. only those students join this course who are very passionate about this course. or they have a good habit of being a good and regular type of student.
although it is very low budget course . as compared to other courses. only then if you adopts self study . If you move on to private coaching or some institution. then it will surely increase your cost.
The ICAI are strict towards their study pattern.dont take it lightly .otherwise you wont be able to catch up with such studies.
Do not join this course.due to suggestion or advice by your family members or friends or relatives.etc.
Only then you join this course .when you mentally strong and ready to all the challenges what ever it will throw in your path.
Believe me guys. it demands lot of courage and motivation level to do this .course. without this. you can not even clear the foundation level of this course.
So for who are very poor or poor with their studies .
I suggest Do not choose this course as your professional carrier. please look at the some other option.